How to Purchase a Video Capsule

1. Navigate to

2. Click "Enter City"

3. Sign in and sign with your wallet

4. Browse and click a video capsule you would like to buy and watch.

5. Click Properties to see supply, resale rights and any important information to support your purchase.

6. Click the button with the price shown or the play button on the video.

7. Use the "Quantity" field to decide how many videos you would like to own.

8. Click "Pay"

9. Make payment with your wallet, and then sign licence request to decrypt video.

10. Click "play" and enjoy your video!

11. Like the creator and content? Click thumbs up!

12. "Subscribe" to get the latest updates from the creator!

13. To find your video again in the future, click "My Vault"

14. Find and click the video to access it again at any time.

Last updated